Redirect Macros

Laratools includes several macros on the RedirectResponse class for easily sharing notice and success messages. They are used in the exact same way you would redirect with error messages by using redirect()->withErrors('Failed to create model...').

Success Messages

To enable success messages you'll need to add Laratools\View\Middleware\ShareSuccessesFromSession to your middleware stack in App\Http\Kernel. This makes $successes available in your views.

protected $middleware = [

To redirect with success messages use the withSuccesses() method, you may either pass in a string, array of strings, or Illuminate\Contracts\Support\MessageProvider instance.

public function store()
    // Store a model

    return redirect()->withSuccesses('Successfully created a model');

Finally to render the messages in your views check if there are any messages using $successes->any() and then render each of the messages using $successes->all().

@if ($successes->any())
    <div class="alert alert-success">
            @foreach($successes->all() as $success)
                <li>{{ $success }}</li>


To enable notices you'll need to add Laratools\View\Middleware\ShareNoticesFromSession to your middleware stack in App\Http\Kernel. This makes $notices available in your views.

protected $middleware = [

To redirect with notices using the withNotices() method, you may either pass in a string, array of strings, or Illuminate\Contracts\Support\MessageProvider instance.

public function info()
    // Do something

    return redirect()->withNotices('Your import was successful, but we skipped X items...');

Finally to render the messages in your views check if there are any messages using $notices->any() and then render each of the messages using $notices->all().

@if ($notices->any())
    <div class="alert alert-info">
            @foreach($notices->all() as $notice)
                <li>{{ $notice }}</li>