The uuid trait automatically generates uuids for your Eloquent models.


Usage is as simple as adding a uuid column to your database and using the trait on your model.

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table)
use Laratools\Eloquent\BinaryUuid;

class User extends Model
    use BinaryUuid;

Now, whenever you save a new model, a uuid will be generated. When using the BinaryUuid trait, two attributes are provided, $model->uuid (The binary form) and $model->uuid_text (The string form). You should use $model->uuid whenever you are locating a model from the database, and use $model->uuid_text whenever you are display the uuid to your users (e.g API payloads).

Primary Key

Using a uuid as the primary key is as simple as setting auto-increments on your model to false.

use Laratools\Eloquent\BinaryUuid;

class User extends Model
    use BinaryUuid;

    public $incrementing = false;

    protected $primaryKey = 'uuid';

Custom Column

By default the trait will assume a column name of uuid, however you can customise this on a per-model basis by defining the UUID_COLUMN constant on your model.

use Laratools\Eloquent\BinaryUuid;

class User extends Model
    use BinaryUuid;

    const UUID_COLUMN = 'id';


The trait provides a convenient scope for finding models based on the uuid column. Model::uuid('638fa033-2bcf-48dd-896e-6e2b138f7138')->first(), or you may also supply an array of uuids Model::uuid([ '5d95a9c2-bc2c-4a2a-8e97-1eabf472319e', '5785e0eb-155f-4c25-9e1a-c123a29a0cd8', '041f681f-9c9b-4ca4-b623-fb9928490e8c', '93b1e345-b262-4bc7-ad41-034f755a00c3', ])->get()

String Based UUIDs

⚠️ String based UUIDs are consistently slower on any size dataset. Use this at your own caution ⚠️

Usage is identical to the BinaryUuid trait with two differences.

  1. You should use the uuid type provided by Laravel. This creates a char column type with a length of 36.
  2. There is no uuid_text attribute, only uuid
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table)
use Laratools\Eloquent\Uuid;

class User extends Model
    use Uuid;